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MV Rena Maritime Incident

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Oil has reached New Zealand’s coast in the latest maritime incident which happened last Wednesday, in which the MV Rena has hit the reef in calm waters. The vessel still has 1,700 tonnes of oil in its tanks and rescue workers are scrambling to save New Zealand’s pristine Bay of Plenty. However, rescue efforts have been hampered by bad weather and it is estimated that 20 tonnes of oil have already reached the coast.

Beaches have already been closed off and the MV Awanuia is expected to pump oil into its tanks from the stricken vessel anytime soon. Officials fear the vessel could break up thus resulting in one of the worst maritime disasters in New Zealand’s history.

MV Rena Maritime Incident

10 / 10 / 11

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Oil has reached New Zealand’s coast in the latest maritime incident which happened last Wednesday, in which the MV Rena has hit the reef in calm waters. The vessel still has 1,700 tonnes of oil in its tanks and rescue workers are scrambling to save New Zealand’s pristine Bay of Plenty. However, rescue efforts have been hampered by bad weather and it is estimated that 20 tonnes of oil have already reached the coast.

Beaches have already been closed off and the MV Awanuia is expected to pump oil into its tanks from the stricken vessel anytime soon. Officials fear the vessel could break up thus resulting in one of the worst maritime disasters in New Zealand’s history.