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Armed Guards: Hopefully Image Is Everything!

23 / 02 / 12

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“The evidence is that ships with armed guards don’t get attacked, don’t get taken for hostage or for ransom, and so we think this is a very important step forward”.  A statement of intent made by the British Prime Minister last October in the build-up to the decision to start allowing armed guards onboard UK flagged vessels; a decision which shortly after was endorsed by Transport Malta (TM) and other States.  At no time should we underestimate the seriousness with which this decision was taken and the important legal implications which are attached to this endorsement.  Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) could find themselves entering the territory of no less than three countries on any mission; excluding any territorial seas entered by the vessel en route.  The civil and criminal law implications within each and every state need to be considered and proper representatives in the different States have to be consulted in order to ensure that no law is being breached.

Armed Guards: Hopefully Image Is Everything!

23 / 02 / 12

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“The evidence is that ships with armed guards don’t get attacked, don’t get taken for hostage or for ransom, and so we think this is a very important step forward”.  A statement of intent made by the British Prime Minister last October in the build-up to the decision to start allowing armed guards onboard UK flagged vessels; a decision which shortly after was endorsed by Transport Malta (TM) and other States.  At no time should we underestimate the seriousness with which this decision was taken and the important legal implications which are attached to this endorsement.  Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) could find themselves entering the territory of no less than three countries on any mission; excluding any territorial seas entered by the vessel en route.  The civil and criminal law implications within each and every state need to be considered and proper representatives in the different States have to be consulted in order to ensure that no law is being breached.