
Weather in Malta

17.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

17.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

A New Record for the Maltese Flag

20 / 02 / 08

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The Minister responsible for Transport and Communications, Mr Censu Galea, announced that a record of 29.5 million tons of ships have been registered under the Maltese mercantile flag, a record for Malta since the establishment of the Maltese flag in 1973. Excellent prospects for the future look bright with a major shipping magazine reporting another 12.5 million tons to be registered in Malta in the near future with over 200 newly built vessels.


This record was recently achieved and was complemented with the introduction of 12 cruise liners to the Malta flag, including vessels operated by the prestigious liner - Royal Caribbean.


GM INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMITED is proud to be associated with the flag and for being the main contributor to the growth of the national flag.

A New Record for the Maltese Flag

20 / 02 / 08

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The Minister responsible for Transport and Communications, Mr Censu Galea, announced that a record of 29.5 million tons of ships have been registered under the Maltese mercantile flag, a record for Malta since the establishment of the Maltese flag in 1973. Excellent prospects for the future look bright with a major shipping magazine reporting another 12.5 million tons to be registered in Malta in the near future with over 200 newly built vessels.


This record was recently achieved and was complemented with the introduction of 12 cruise liners to the Malta flag, including vessels operated by the prestigious liner - Royal Caribbean.


GM INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMITED is proud to be associated with the flag and for being the main contributor to the growth of the national flag.