
Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

MV Arctic Sea 'Never Disappeared '

19 / 08 / 09

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Despite rumours of the disappearance of the Maltese registered vessel “Arctic Sea”, the Malta Maritime Authority in a statement confirmed that the vessel was being monitored all along and never disappeared. The MMA said that it never disclosed the location of the vessel as it did not want to jeopardise the security of the crew or of any subsequent rescue operation.

On instructions from the hijackers, the crew turned off all navigational equipment onboard and were ordered to sail south. It is believed that a ransom of $1.5 million has been asked from the owners of the vessel.

On Monday evening 8 people were detained who were allegedly involved in the hijacking of the ship. The investigations are still continuing by the Finnish, Swedish and Maltese authorities to determine the motives behind the hijacking. 

MV Arctic Sea 'Never Disappeared '

19 / 08 / 09

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Despite rumours of the disappearance of the Maltese registered vessel “Arctic Sea”, the Malta Maritime Authority in a statement confirmed that the vessel was being monitored all along and never disappeared. The MMA said that it never disclosed the location of the vessel as it did not want to jeopardise the security of the crew or of any subsequent rescue operation.

On instructions from the hijackers, the crew turned off all navigational equipment onboard and were ordered to sail south. It is believed that a ransom of $1.5 million has been asked from the owners of the vessel.

On Monday evening 8 people were detained who were allegedly involved in the hijacking of the ship. The investigations are still continuing by the Finnish, Swedish and Maltese authorities to determine the motives behind the hijacking.