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" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

14.3°C clear sky

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Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Aid workers onboard a Maltese flagged vessel held against their will

12 / 11 / 10

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British aid workers on their way to the ‘Road to Hope’ convoy have been held against their will onboard the Maltese flagged vessel, Strofades IV. in Libya at the time of the incident.  The saga unfolded as an argument with the captain over payment began. Fearing that the shipping agent, who received £56,000 fee for the trip to Gaza, would not pay, the captain cut off moorings and set sail to Greece. Libyan border guards, the chief of Darnah port and customs inspectors, are also onboard the vessel. 

The vessel has arrived in Piraeus and according to news reports they were being treated as terrorists as the vessel was boarded by anti-terrorist squads. The aid workers are now presumably being held for questioning. 

Aid workers onboard a Maltese flagged vessel held against their will

12 / 11 / 10

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British aid workers on their way to the ‘Road to Hope’ convoy have been held against their will onboard the Maltese flagged vessel, Strofades IV. in Libya at the time of the incident.  The saga unfolded as an argument with the captain over payment began. Fearing that the shipping agent, who received £56,000 fee for the trip to Gaza, would not pay, the captain cut off moorings and set sail to Greece. Libyan border guards, the chief of Darnah port and customs inspectors, are also onboard the vessel. 

The vessel has arrived in Piraeus and according to news reports they were being treated as terrorists as the vessel was boarded by anti-terrorist squads. The aid workers are now presumably being held for questioning.