
Weather in Malta

19.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

19.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

MSD issues a notice regarding vessels arriving from Libyan ports

25 / 02 / 11

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WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT: In order to facilitate safe arrival and transit through Malta, Transport Malta request that all concerned abide by the following protocol.  Therefore, if we are appointed as your Agents in Malta for vessels arriving in Malta from LIBYAN ports, we would require from you as owners and agents of such vessels to relay the following instructions to the Masters.

Six hours prior to entering Port all Masters are required to provide the following information to the Maltese Authorities through their local Agent
1) Number of passengers on board the vessel
2) Medical condition of the passengers on board
3) How many, if any, are sick and the nature of illness
4) All Medical cases are to be segregated to one area of the Vessel and upon berthing a medical team will alight prior to any passengers disembarking.
5) All medical cases will be examined and treated on board by medical and nursing staff provided by the Department of Health
6) Serious medical cases will be transferred to the Main hospital on Malta for further medical assistance
7) On arrival all passengers disembarking will be facilitated through normal immigration procedures
8) The Civil Protection Department, the Malta Red Cross and representatives of the Ministry of Tourism will be at hand in Port to facilitate arrival of passengers.

MSD issues a notice regarding vessels arriving from Libyan ports

25 / 02 / 11

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WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT: In order to facilitate safe arrival and transit through Malta, Transport Malta request that all concerned abide by the following protocol.  Therefore, if we are appointed as your Agents in Malta for vessels arriving in Malta from LIBYAN ports, we would require from you as owners and agents of such vessels to relay the following instructions to the Masters.

Six hours prior to entering Port all Masters are required to provide the following information to the Maltese Authorities through their local Agent
1) Number of passengers on board the vessel
2) Medical condition of the passengers on board
3) How many, if any, are sick and the nature of illness
4) All Medical cases are to be segregated to one area of the Vessel and upon berthing a medical team will alight prior to any passengers disembarking.
5) All medical cases will be examined and treated on board by medical and nursing staff provided by the Department of Health
6) Serious medical cases will be transferred to the Main hospital on Malta for further medical assistance
7) On arrival all passengers disembarking will be facilitated through normal immigration procedures
8) The Civil Protection Department, the Malta Red Cross and representatives of the Ministry of Tourism will be at hand in Port to facilitate arrival of passengers.