
Weather in Malta

16.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Malta Maritime Pilots Cooperative in a 15 year exclusivity agreement

01 / 01 / 12

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The Malta Maritime Pilots Cooperative has been granted a 15 year operational exclusivity in all of Malta’s ports. This exclusivity was described by authorities as being the result of their professionalism. The Cooperative is binging itself to invest €1.5 million in the next five years in particular in the upgrading of its vessels and training of its staff. The cooperative is also expected to recruit new staff and it will also participate in the National Emergency Response Training.

These developments further demonstrate the excellent services the Maltese harbours offer and will further place Malta as the premier shipping hub in the Mediterranean.

Malta Maritime Pilots Cooperative in a 15 year exclusivity agreement

01 / 01 / 12

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The Malta Maritime Pilots Cooperative has been granted a 15 year operational exclusivity in all of Malta’s ports. This exclusivity was described by authorities as being the result of their professionalism. The Cooperative is binging itself to invest €1.5 million in the next five years in particular in the upgrading of its vessels and training of its staff. The cooperative is also expected to recruit new staff and it will also participate in the National Emergency Response Training.

These developments further demonstrate the excellent services the Maltese harbours offer and will further place Malta as the premier shipping hub in the Mediterranean.