
Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

World’s most valuable fleet owned by Greece

01 / 01 / 18

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As Greece remains the dominant force owner in global shipping, it now owns the world’s most valuable fleet at the price of almost exactly $100bn, placing the country at the very top of the table and making it unlikely to change.  The value is concentrated in the Tanker ($36bn), Bulker ($35.75bn), and LNG ($13.5) vessel types.

World’s most valuable fleet owned by Greece

01 / 01 / 18

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As Greece remains the dominant force owner in global shipping, it now owns the world’s most valuable fleet at the price of almost exactly $100bn, placing the country at the very top of the table and making it unlikely to change.  The value is concentrated in the Tanker ($36bn), Bulker ($35.75bn), and LNG ($13.5) vessel types.