
Weather in Malta

18.3°C scattered clouds

scattered clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

18.3°C scattered clouds

scattered clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Malta Flag Fairs Well with US Coast Guard

14 / 10 / 04

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Although the United States Coast Guard is intensifying its scrunity over Maltese ships calling in United States ports, Malta is ranking higher than other closed or national registries.  Other targeted countries are Cyprus, the Netherlands, Honduras, Hong Kong, Russia Singapore, Thailand and Panama.


As from 1st July, when the ISPS code came into force, the USCG has boarded every foreign vessel on its first port call to the US.  After examining the results of its security compliance boardings over the first two months, it resulted that certain countries had a higher than average rate (2.4%) of compliance problems.   Thus these countries will be subject to a higher degree of inspections when or before entering US ports.


It is understood that between 110 and 120 inspections were carried out on Maltese registered vessels, out of which 3 vessels were detained.  One of these vessels was reported to have been detained for trivial reasons. From investigations carried out, it appears that the owner’s track record is impeccable and it is rather astonishing to learn that such a vessel did not comply with the basic antiterrorist security measures. Could this be a case where the inspector was extreemely stringent in his investigations? We understand that the Malta Maritime Authority is currently making its representationswith the USCG.


If this particular vessel was not detained the average detention rate of the inspections carried out on Maltese vessels would have read 1.7% which is way below the average rate.

Malta Flag Fairs Well with US Coast Guard

14 / 10 / 04

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Although the United States Coast Guard is intensifying its scrunity over Maltese ships calling in United States ports, Malta is ranking higher than other closed or national registries.  Other targeted countries are Cyprus, the Netherlands, Honduras, Hong Kong, Russia Singapore, Thailand and Panama.


As from 1st July, when the ISPS code came into force, the USCG has boarded every foreign vessel on its first port call to the US.  After examining the results of its security compliance boardings over the first two months, it resulted that certain countries had a higher than average rate (2.4%) of compliance problems.   Thus these countries will be subject to a higher degree of inspections when or before entering US ports.


It is understood that between 110 and 120 inspections were carried out on Maltese registered vessels, out of which 3 vessels were detained.  One of these vessels was reported to have been detained for trivial reasons. From investigations carried out, it appears that the owner’s track record is impeccable and it is rather astonishing to learn that such a vessel did not comply with the basic antiterrorist security measures. Could this be a case where the inspector was extreemely stringent in his investigations? We understand that the Malta Maritime Authority is currently making its representationswith the USCG.


If this particular vessel was not detained the average detention rate of the inspections carried out on Maltese vessels would have read 1.7% which is way below the average rate.