
Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Some Figures Rise, Some Figures Fall...and all are encouraging!

04 / 05 / 12

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Early on in the year the figures showed that the hard work of both Transport Malta and the private sector service providers paid off; the Malta maritime register climbed to the summit within Europe, becoming the largest ship register out of the 27.  This also translated into the Malta maritime flag becoming the seventh most popular maritime flag in world, boasting of over 5,830 vessels totalling 45.6 million tonnes.  The Malta flag administration’s policy is clear, “quality shipping and ensure that ships with a poor detention or safety and marine pollution record do not operate under the Malta flag”.  Also, whilst the registry continues to grow, the average age of the vessels is continuously decreasing, currently at 12.78 years.

Some Figures Rise, Some Figures Fall...and all are encouraging!

04 / 05 / 12

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Early on in the year the figures showed that the hard work of both Transport Malta and the private sector service providers paid off; the Malta maritime register climbed to the summit within Europe, becoming the largest ship register out of the 27.  This also translated into the Malta maritime flag becoming the seventh most popular maritime flag in world, boasting of over 5,830 vessels totalling 45.6 million tonnes.  The Malta flag administration’s policy is clear, “quality shipping and ensure that ships with a poor detention or safety and marine pollution record do not operate under the Malta flag”.  Also, whilst the registry continues to grow, the average age of the vessels is continuously decreasing, currently at 12.78 years.