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Maltese vessel runs aground in France

16 / 12 / 11

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A Maltese registered vessel TK Bremen has ran aground by a storm with gusts of wind of 133 kph and waves up to seven metres high. The vessel which was on its way to Malta is said to be leaking oil and French authorities have dispatched equipment to contain the 1 km oil slick which is moving towards the Belgian coast. French authorities confirmed that oil has already washed up on a sandy beach. However, it is believed that the damage will be limited as the oil was coming from the fuel compartment. The incident occurred off the coast of Brittany- north western France. The 19 crew member have been rescued to safety by a helicopter. 

Maltese vessel runs aground in France

16 / 12 / 11

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A Maltese registered vessel TK Bremen has ran aground by a storm with gusts of wind of 133 kph and waves up to seven metres high. The vessel which was on its way to Malta is said to be leaking oil and French authorities have dispatched equipment to contain the 1 km oil slick which is moving towards the Belgian coast. French authorities confirmed that oil has already washed up on a sandy beach. However, it is believed that the damage will be limited as the oil was coming from the fuel compartment. The incident occurred off the coast of Brittany- north western France. The 19 crew member have been rescued to safety by a helicopter.