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27th March 2018 – Ocean Energy – a sustainable blue growth opportunity for Europe

06 / 04 / 18

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On 27 March, Commissioner Vella met with 20 countries that have a principal role in the maritime in various parts of Europe. In this meeting, the Commissioner reconfirmed his opinion that by the year 2030, the oceans shall be providing energy to majority of the Europeans, and the Commissioner’s objective is also to boost the European Union’s position as world leader in the energy of the ocean.


Infact, this idea of having energy being derived from the ocean, is becoming popular. The first tidal farms in European waters are being implemented and with more and more devices being tested in water, performance is improving drastically.


Having said the above, there is still a long journey ahead and the Commission is making sure not to burden developers by taking the necessary measures.

27th March 2018 – Ocean Energy – a sustainable blue growth opportunity for Europe

06 / 04 / 18

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On 27 March, Commissioner Vella met with 20 countries that have a principal role in the maritime in various parts of Europe. In this meeting, the Commissioner reconfirmed his opinion that by the year 2030, the oceans shall be providing energy to majority of the Europeans, and the Commissioner’s objective is also to boost the European Union’s position as world leader in the energy of the ocean.


Infact, this idea of having energy being derived from the ocean, is becoming popular. The first tidal farms in European waters are being implemented and with more and more devices being tested in water, performance is improving drastically.


Having said the above, there is still a long journey ahead and the Commission is making sure not to burden developers by taking the necessary measures.