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Pirate attack on MV Dandle thwarted

23 / 05 / 11

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A pirate attack on another Maltese flagged vessel was thwarted yesterday. The MV Dandle was to be attacked by four pirate speedboats armed with rocket propelled grenades and light weapons but this attack was thwarted by the Iranian Navy. According to reports the Iranian Navy has already engaged in 10 confrontations with Somali pirates this year. 

Pirate attack on MV Dandle thwarted

23 / 05 / 11

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A pirate attack on another Maltese flagged vessel was thwarted yesterday. The MV Dandle was to be attacked by four pirate speedboats armed with rocket propelled grenades and light weapons but this attack was thwarted by the Iranian Navy. According to reports the Iranian Navy has already engaged in 10 confrontations with Somali pirates this year.