
Weather in Malta

19.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

19.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Update: MV Maystar Sinks Off Malta

05 / 12 / 08

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The Cambodian registered bulk carrier “Maystar” which earlier this week was abandoned by its crew, sunk last night at 2155 Hrs. The Malta Maritime Authority said that the ship broke its tow-line yesterday afternoon and was drifting 29 miles East of Delimara (outside Maltese territorial waters).


The 88m vessel was being towed to Malta since last Tuesday; although she had been expected to sink after the ship started to list 26 nautical miles off Malta last Monday. The crew was brought ashore safely by the AFM.  However, yesterday afternoon, due to severe weather conditions, the ship broke its tow-line and was reported to have sunk, a few hours later, 34 nautical miles south east of Malta.

Update: MV Maystar Sinks Off Malta

05 / 12 / 08

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The Cambodian registered bulk carrier “Maystar” which earlier this week was abandoned by its crew, sunk last night at 2155 Hrs. The Malta Maritime Authority said that the ship broke its tow-line yesterday afternoon and was drifting 29 miles East of Delimara (outside Maltese territorial waters).


The 88m vessel was being towed to Malta since last Tuesday; although she had been expected to sink after the ship started to list 26 nautical miles off Malta last Monday. The crew was brought ashore safely by the AFM.  However, yesterday afternoon, due to severe weather conditions, the ship broke its tow-line and was reported to have sunk, a few hours later, 34 nautical miles south east of Malta.