
Weather in Malta

18.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

18.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

MV Arctic Sea to be Delivered to her Owners

27 / 10 / 09

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The Maltese flagged vessel Arctic Sea, which was hijacked off the Swedish Coast at the end of July, shall be delivered to her owners outside Maltese territorial waters following an agreement between the owners and Maltese Authorities. The vessel will only be allowed entry into the Grand Harbour after all necessary verifications and certifications have been carried out by the Maltese authorities. 

Russian authorities have declared that the vessel is safe and that she only carries official cargo, thus, denying rumors of missiles bound for Iran. 

MV Arctic Sea to be Delivered to her Owners

27 / 10 / 09

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The Maltese flagged vessel Arctic Sea, which was hijacked off the Swedish Coast at the end of July, shall be delivered to her owners outside Maltese territorial waters following an agreement between the owners and Maltese Authorities. The vessel will only be allowed entry into the Grand Harbour after all necessary verifications and certifications have been carried out by the Maltese authorities. 

Russian authorities have declared that the vessel is safe and that she only carries official cargo, thus, denying rumors of missiles bound for Iran.