
Weather in Malta

20.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

20.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Malta Maritime Review 2011 - From Strength to Strength

17 / 02 / 12

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As we begin to get into our stride following the New Year celebrations, we are always quick to compare the year on year stats to gauge how the industry fared over the previous year.  This year’s job was made significantly easier as it was recently declared that Malta is now the largest ship register in Europe and the seventh largest in the world.  The Malta maritime registry now boasts 5,830 vessels totaling 45.6 million tonnes.  So what is it that keeps on attracting ship-owners and managers to Malta? It is most definitely a multitude of things but what is interesting is the shift in importance that is now given to certain predominant factors. 

Malta Maritime Review 2011 - From Strength to Strength

17 / 02 / 12

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As we begin to get into our stride following the New Year celebrations, we are always quick to compare the year on year stats to gauge how the industry fared over the previous year.  This year’s job was made significantly easier as it was recently declared that Malta is now the largest ship register in Europe and the seventh largest in the world.  The Malta maritime registry now boasts 5,830 vessels totaling 45.6 million tonnes.  So what is it that keeps on attracting ship-owners and managers to Malta? It is most definitely a multitude of things but what is interesting is the shift in importance that is now given to certain predominant factors.