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" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

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Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Shots fired at Malta flag tanker approaching the Libyan port of Es-Sider

09 / 01 / 14

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Warning shots were fired at a Maltese flag tanker by the Libyan Navy accused of making illegal approach to the Libyan port of Es-Sider in order to smuggle crude oil. The state-run National Oil Corporation (NOC) of Libya said that the MV Baku, owned by the Turkish Palmali Shipping Services, was asked to change course toward Misrata and that the navy opened fire only when the vessel refused to follow the instructions.


The shipowning company issued a statement declaring that the vessel which had just headed from Malta, its flag State, was on charter to load 80,000 tons of crude oil at a safe port in Libya for an Eastern Mediterranean European Port. The company nominated Es-Sider as the loading port on Friday 3rd January 2013 and it was not until the next day that they received a message sent by a NOC officer declaring that the port of Es-Sider is one of the three ports of Libya to be “force majeure ports”.


Upon receipt of the message the company contacted the charterers and ordered the vessel not to proceed to the port and remain in international waters. In the meantime they informed the NOC of the latest developments and of their intentions to wait in international waters for a fresh nomination from the charterers. The Libyan authorities requested a further written confirmation that the vessel would not approach Es-Sider, which was provided to them.


It is being reported that despite the confirmation a Libyan naval vessel approached the Malta flagged vessel threateningly and fired two shots in an attempt to push the vessel in the direction of Misurata. In the end the vessel turned back to Malta in order to avoid any further unlawful action against them.               


MV Baku is still anchored at the port of Malta waiting for instructions according to the AIS Source.

Shots fired at Malta flag tanker approaching the Libyan port of Es-Sider

09 / 01 / 14

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Warning shots were fired at a Maltese flag tanker by the Libyan Navy accused of making illegal approach to the Libyan port of Es-Sider in order to smuggle crude oil. The state-run National Oil Corporation (NOC) of Libya said that the MV Baku, owned by the Turkish Palmali Shipping Services, was asked to change course toward Misrata and that the navy opened fire only when the vessel refused to follow the instructions.


The shipowning company issued a statement declaring that the vessel which had just headed from Malta, its flag State, was on charter to load 80,000 tons of crude oil at a safe port in Libya for an Eastern Mediterranean European Port. The company nominated Es-Sider as the loading port on Friday 3rd January 2013 and it was not until the next day that they received a message sent by a NOC officer declaring that the port of Es-Sider is one of the three ports of Libya to be “force majeure ports”.


Upon receipt of the message the company contacted the charterers and ordered the vessel not to proceed to the port and remain in international waters. In the meantime they informed the NOC of the latest developments and of their intentions to wait in international waters for a fresh nomination from the charterers. The Libyan authorities requested a further written confirmation that the vessel would not approach Es-Sider, which was provided to them.


It is being reported that despite the confirmation a Libyan naval vessel approached the Malta flagged vessel threateningly and fired two shots in an attempt to push the vessel in the direction of Misurata. In the end the vessel turned back to Malta in order to avoid any further unlawful action against them.               


MV Baku is still anchored at the port of Malta waiting for instructions according to the AIS Source.