
Weather in Malta

20.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

20.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

IMO U-Turn Regarding Bulk Carriers

01 / 06 / 04

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The International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee ditched plans to ban single hull bulk carriers as from 2007.  The U-turn followed an intense session of debate where opinion was so divided that a formal vote had to be taken.


The vote overturned more than two years of work towards the development of the rule, which was seen by some as being inescapable, to make double skin bulkers compulsory.  However many owners and their representative organizations saw the mandatory exchanging to double hulls as untimely.


Once the IMO policy was changed the owners were relieved however the International Transport Workers Federation forcefully condemned “the extraordinary U-turn”.

IMO U-Turn Regarding Bulk Carriers

01 / 06 / 04

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The International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee ditched plans to ban single hull bulk carriers as from 2007.  The U-turn followed an intense session of debate where opinion was so divided that a formal vote had to be taken.


The vote overturned more than two years of work towards the development of the rule, which was seen by some as being inescapable, to make double skin bulkers compulsory.  However many owners and their representative organizations saw the mandatory exchanging to double hulls as untimely.


Once the IMO policy was changed the owners were relieved however the International Transport Workers Federation forcefully condemned “the extraordinary U-turn”.