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" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

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21.3°C clear sky

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New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Court to Decide if a New Investigation is Necessary

11 / 01 / 05

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The Paris court of appeal will decide on February 21 whether or not it considers that a new investigation is necessary to determine the causes of the sinking of the Erika in December 1999.


In view of the conflicts between the conclusions of the two main accident reports, the court has been asked by the Paris prosecutorís office to allow a new investigation. One of the reports found that the break-up was linked to cracking on the vessel’s deck and that TOTAL, the charterer, should have detected. On the other hand, the second report found that the structural failure was the result of corrosion below the waterline which TOTAL could not have been expected to spot in the course of pre-charter inspection.


Examining magistrate Dominique de TalancÈ does not believe a new report would settle the question, therefore she concluded that matter should be decided directly by a court.

Court to Decide if a New Investigation is Necessary

11 / 01 / 05

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The Paris court of appeal will decide on February 21 whether or not it considers that a new investigation is necessary to determine the causes of the sinking of the Erika in December 1999.


In view of the conflicts between the conclusions of the two main accident reports, the court has been asked by the Paris prosecutorís office to allow a new investigation. One of the reports found that the break-up was linked to cracking on the vessel’s deck and that TOTAL, the charterer, should have detected. On the other hand, the second report found that the structural failure was the result of corrosion below the waterline which TOTAL could not have been expected to spot in the course of pre-charter inspection.


Examining magistrate Dominique de TalancÈ does not believe a new report would settle the question, therefore she concluded that matter should be decided directly by a court.