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" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

16.3°C clear sky

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Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Another Maltese MEP Criticises New EU Law

25 / 02 / 05

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The new law on action on ships caught polluting European waters was yesterday being discussed at European Parliament. Another Maltese Member for the European Parliament, Dr John Attard Montalto, said during the debate that the way that this law is to be exercised may have bad repercussions on European maritime registries.


The Maltese MEP stated that this law will serve as a deterrent for ships which are registered in Malta, Cyprus and Greece.  These three Mediterranean countries together make up the largest amount of ships in Europe.  He continued that the consequence of such action may result in owners deciding to register their ships in other countries outside the EU.


Dr Attard Montalto concluded that if the law were practiced, then there would be discrimination in favour of ships which are not registered under EU countries.

Another Maltese MEP Criticises New EU Law

25 / 02 / 05

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The new law on action on ships caught polluting European waters was yesterday being discussed at European Parliament. Another Maltese Member for the European Parliament, Dr John Attard Montalto, said during the debate that the way that this law is to be exercised may have bad repercussions on European maritime registries.


The Maltese MEP stated that this law will serve as a deterrent for ships which are registered in Malta, Cyprus and Greece.  These three Mediterranean countries together make up the largest amount of ships in Europe.  He continued that the consequence of such action may result in owners deciding to register their ships in other countries outside the EU.


Dr Attard Montalto concluded that if the law were practiced, then there would be discrimination in favour of ships which are not registered under EU countries.