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14.3°C few clouds

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Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

14.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Malta continues to be a Flag of Choice for Greek Owned Tonnage!

19 / 07 / 12

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According to the 25th GSCC statistical data provided by IHS Fairplay, Greek tonnage of ships over 1,000 GT continues to grow.  Before comparing the year on year statistics, tribute must definitely be paid to all the Greek ship-owners that have contributed significantly over the last quarter of decade to making these statistics what they are today.  By way of comparison, in March 1988 data showed that Greek investors controlled some 2,487 vessels amounting to 85,047,436 DWT or 47,268,018 GT.  As of March 2012 Greek investors own 3,760 vessels totalling a staggering 264,054,167 DWT or 155,904,976 GT.  That translates to an increase of over 550%.  Between 1991 and 2001 Greek owned tonnage in GT more than doubled, breaking the 100,000,000 mark for the first time.

Malta continues to be a Flag of Choice for Greek Owned Tonnage!

19 / 07 / 12

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According to the 25th GSCC statistical data provided by IHS Fairplay, Greek tonnage of ships over 1,000 GT continues to grow.  Before comparing the year on year statistics, tribute must definitely be paid to all the Greek ship-owners that have contributed significantly over the last quarter of decade to making these statistics what they are today.  By way of comparison, in March 1988 data showed that Greek investors controlled some 2,487 vessels amounting to 85,047,436 DWT or 47,268,018 GT.  As of March 2012 Greek investors own 3,760 vessels totalling a staggering 264,054,167 DWT or 155,904,976 GT.  That translates to an increase of over 550%.  Between 1991 and 2001 Greek owned tonnage in GT more than doubled, breaking the 100,000,000 mark for the first time.