
Weather in Malta

22.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

22.3°C clear sky

clear sky

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Maltese flagged vessel MV Sinin hijacked

14 / 02 / 11

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Another Maltese flagged vessel has been captured off the Omani coast and is now heading towards Somalia. A distress signal was received on Saturday and it is believed that it happened around 350 nautical miles East of Masirah. Counter-piracy force EU NAVFOR reported the ship is "believed" hijacked but that communication has been lost with the vessel. Onboard the supra-max vessel, there are 23 crew members but thankfully to date there are no reports of any casualties.  

Maltese flagged vessel MV Sinin hijacked

14 / 02 / 11

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Another Maltese flagged vessel has been captured off the Omani coast and is now heading towards Somalia. A distress signal was received on Saturday and it is believed that it happened around 350 nautical miles East of Masirah. Counter-piracy force EU NAVFOR reported the ship is "believed" hijacked but that communication has been lost with the vessel. Onboard the supra-max vessel, there are 23 crew members but thankfully to date there are no reports of any casualties.