
Weather in Malta

20.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Weather in Malta

20.3°C few clouds

few clouds

Time Zones:

New York



" Serving the world...

...from Malta "

Corporate Services

Corporate Services - Liquidations of Maltese Companies

Under Maltese law, a limited liability company can never be automatically “struck off” the Register by the Registrar of Companies for any reason whatsoever. This can however be voluntarily placed into liquidation holding the Directors/Shareholders of the Company personally liable and responsible until liquidation is affected.

In this respect hereunder are the requirements for the liquidation of a Maltese Company:

  1. Special Power of Attorney.

  2. Indemnity form.

  3. Declaration that there are no creditors or liabilities on the company.

  4. Information required as per our information sheet number 101, relating to audited accounts.

  5. Return of the Share Certificates.

Settlement of any outstanding fees (both to our offices as well as any governmental department) together with liquidation expenses.

Corporate Services

Corporate Services - Liquidations of Maltese Companies

Under Maltese law, a limited liability company can never be automatically “struck off” the Register by the Registrar of Companies for any reason whatsoever. This can however be voluntarily placed into liquidation holding the Directors/Shareholders of the Company personally liable and responsible until liquidation is affected.

In this respect hereunder are the requirements for the liquidation of a Maltese Company:

  1. Special Power of Attorney.

  2. Indemnity form.

  3. Declaration that there are no creditors or liabilities on the company.

  4. Information required as per our information sheet number 101, relating to audited accounts.

  5. Return of the Share Certificates.

Settlement of any outstanding fees (both to our offices as well as any governmental department) together with liquidation expenses.